The dark forest, tops of trees are covered with spider webs and moss covers the ground. Trees themselves are covered in spider nests.

Girls stand on the moss, barefoot and very confused

Clarissa Oh... Oh, no
Angie Oh. This is bad...
Clarissa Did... Did I do it?!

I mean how... Why...


Angie looks at Clarissa and shakes her shoulder

Clarissa Nonononono
Angie Clarissa!

Clarissa starts to calm down

Angie Explain, what you did, why you think you did it!
Clarissa I... Iheardthatyouwanted tocomebackhome, butIdidn'twanttocomebackhome, andsoIwishedtogetto-

As Clarissa talks, a giant spider appears behind her and Angie looks very scared

Clarissa turns around and sees it and also very scared, Clarissa takes Angie's hand and they both run deeper to forest from a giant spider

Girls soon stop to hold their breath from running

Angie So you wished to get to spider den?!
Clarissa I didn't plan to get here, I just
Angie Wished for it? 💡 That explains it!
Clarissa Huh?
Angie You wished for it and then your flower crown started to glow, remember!

Angie pulls flower out of her own flower crown

Angie I wish to-

Before Angie could do her wish, the giant spider from earlier catches out to them and sends webs that glue them both to the ground

Flower crowns fall from girls' heads

Angie tries to hold to a flower she still held in her hand and makes a wish

Angie Please! Protect us!

Bubble appears around both Angie and Clarissa

Dresses change to magical girl costumes as flower petals surround both girls, weapons appear in girls' hands. Staff in Angie's hands and sword in Clarissa's hand.

Glowing disappears, and both first look confused at each and then look at spider and stand in battle stance

Without thinking, Angie jumps at spider and started to hit it with her staff, and then notices that every time she does it, spider moves slower and slower

Clarissa Okay!

Clarissa jumps from the ground, and then sends her sword right into big spider's head

Spider stops moving and starts to freeze

Angie I hope... for now... we will... be safe...
Clarissa Yeah... jeez... this... place... sucks...
Angie Didn't you say you wanted to be in spider den more than being home?
Clarissa Nonononono! I want to go home!

Angie puts her hand on her chest, where green lily sits, while Clarissa puts flower crowns back on their heads and takes Angie's other hand

Angie Flower, I wish to go home!

A portal appears in front of them and the girls, while holding their hands, jump into it, while the portal closes behind them