Clarissa sings while Angie plays piano

Clarissa ~And I will see you again~

Angie stops playing piano

Angie This is booooring, I get your mom wants great performance, but does she need us to do it alllll the time!

Angie puts her piano cover down

Angie Anywaaaaaay...

She takes pillow from Clarissa's bed

Angie Operation OCL starts now!

Clarissa waves her hands in the air

Clarissa First, OCL already has "Operation" in it. Second, listen, I know that I agreed to it during lunch but if she learns about it, she gonna kill me!

Angie throws pillow on Clarissa's face

Angie Come on! If she tries to do it, I will kill her first!

Clarissa catches pillow and giggles

Clarissa 😄 I will not give you this travesty, I will kill her first! I will be the mom-murderer! 😄

Clarissa hugs pillow

Clarissa But I'm still not sure about it, so how we will handle it?
Angie Pillows!
Clarissa Pillows?

Clarissa gives pillow back to Angie

Angie Pillows!
Clarissa Pillows...

Clarissa looks at pillow

Clarissa Okay, but what the plan exactly?
Angie We will put pillows to beds to make her think we are sleeping

Angie puts pillows on bed and sleeping bad and then covers them with blankets

Angie Then we open a window

Angie opens a window and jumps out it to backyard

Angie Then...

Clarissa crawls out window very accurately

Angie Take your time

Clarissa jumps on grass

Angie Then we open the back door of the backyard and run to lake
What an interesting girl, I will need her